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Showing posts from June, 2020
The Hero’s Journey story and why it makes people react inappropriately to your chronic condition, My chronic illness started with a Big Bang. Only months before I’d been a fit, health conscious 35 year old career woman, living in Australia. We were blessed with two lovely babies, a loving family and good friends. My future was extremely bright, until it wasn’t. Quite suddenly, my tooth and face started to hurt a bit. Within three days I had searing nerve pain all over my head and face. It felt like someone was electrocuting me in the back of the head. My teeth felt like they were all being pulled out at once without anaesthetic. My ears whined to a deafening level. I felt like my head would explode from the intensity of the pain and pressure. I could not lie down or have anything touching my head. I sat up on the sofa, in the dark, for three days and nights, focusing on breathing in and out and breastfeeding my newborn baby at four-hour intervals. Anyone who lives